RateFast MMI Compass Lite

Please answer the below questions to map your injury.

You can email the result to this address from the next page.

This is a minimal, free version of the RateFast MMI Compass. The Pro version contains additional features to help move your workers’ compensation claim forward.

With the MMI Compass Pro, you will

  • Understand the severity of the injury.
  • Quickly find the value of a California workers’ compensation claim.
  • Easily determine the date of Maximal Medical Improvement (MMI)
To try the MMI Compass Pro, contact us!



Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is determined when all treatment that is indicated and available has been provided to an individual and no further improvement is anticipated for next year (365 days) with or without treatment.

This tool is intended to assist the user in determining when MMI has been clinically achieved. This tool is not a replacement for medical or clinical judgement.

RateFast MMI Compass Lite 20241022